Monday, July 22, 2013

Clear jsp cache in R12

1. Shutdown all services -

2. BACKUP the files in the following directories and then remove them :
Note: Once you complete these steps, all the above directories would still be
present, but will be empty.

3. Remove all files under the $COMMON_TOP/_pages folder

4. Compile jsps:
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
      ./ --compile --flush -p 2

5. Clear browser cache on PC: Delete cookies, temp internet files, history from IE

6. Restart the services -

compile jsp in EBS R12

Compile a jsp page:
 cd $OA_HTML
 $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ --compile -s 'xxxx.jsp' -log err.log --flush

Compile all jsp pages:
 $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ --compile  --flush -p 4

Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12
edit the $CONTEXT_FILE
Change value for the entry s_jsp_main_mode from justrun to recompile

run AutoConfig, restart the web tier services.